Spirited Loving Bodies

After my initial conversation with Rebecca Thurgood in January, about co-creating this event in aid of Loving Humanity UK, she had mentioned two possible dates in April. These were when Amy Peake (founder of Loving Humanity UK) would be in the UK and able to attend. I was available for both and Rebecca would getContinue reading “Spirited Loving Bodies”

Spirited Sound, Love and Life

I want to begin a while back, because this road has been a long journey. This year has been more challenging, but also finally a turning point – in my art, with Spirited Bodies, and in my love life. It all happens at once, yet in stages. I get challenged about why I am sharingContinue reading “Spirited Sound, Love and Life”

Spirited Bodies in Highbury

When I think of you my heart grows stronger. Come on out for Spirited Bodies in Highbury on 27 June, Friday evening. It will be magical. In a beautiful centre for therapy the peace will welcome the powerful performances of our models. An image of the venue: Collecting interviews. From models and artists. Backdrop forContinue reading “Spirited Bodies in Highbury”

Excellent Women – Life Drawing at the Women of the World Festival

Originally posted on makingthemarrow:
Here are some sketches from when my darling friend Clare dragged alongĀ for a life-drawing class at the Southbank Centre’s Women of the World Festival– but this wasn’t just your average life drawing class. It was an incredible tribute to the female body and mind. The women posing in the group were…